Blog 08 October 2024

How Faial Island Inspired My IT Journey


Growing up on Faial Island, surrounded by the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean, I learned early on how to appreciate the simplicity and beauty of nature. Living on a small, remote island fostered a sense of curiosity about how things work and how people solve problems when resources are limited.

As a teenager, I envisioned a future in science, and I pursued studies in food chemistry, thinking it was my path to understanding the world around me.

Yet, much like the ocean that sculpt Faial's coastline, life often directs us toward unforeseen paths.

One bright summer, my sister’s friends who worked in IT, shared stories of how technology was transforming industries, bridging distances, and connecting people across the globe. Their passion for technology and the endless possibilities it offered captivated me. It was as if someone had opened a door to a new world I had never considered, one that was dynamic, innovative, and full of opportunity.
That summer marked a turning point for me. I realized that technology could provide the tools to solve complex problems, just like chemistry, but with a broader, more global impact. The idea that I could contribute to solving real-world challenges, even from my little corner of the Azores, was exhilarating. With that, I made the bold decision to switch my university degree from chemistry to computer engineering.

Faial Island, with its peaceful landscapes, was the perfect place to cultivate this shift in mindset. The island’s peacefulness provided the clarity to think creatively, while its remoteness fuelled a desire to connect with the outside world through technology. Living in such a unique location instilled in me the belief that no matter how far away you are, technology can bridge distances, bringing efficiency and innovation even to the most remote places.

Over the years, I’ve seen how IT solutions can truly transform the way people work, communicate, and solve problems. From cloud-based systems like Microsoft 365 and SharePoint to cutting-edge automation tools, technology has the power to enhance collaboration and streamline processes in ways that would have been unimaginable just a few decades ago. Although attention frequently centers on major cities, it's evident that technology can also offer significant advantages to locations such as Faial.

Remote work, which once seemed like a luxury, has now become essential for professionals globally. Although I no longer reside on Faial, I often visit and end up working from the island. Even from this remote location, I’m able to manage complex IT projects for clients globally, collaborate with teams across different time zones, and implement solutions that make a tangible difference. Whether I’m troubleshooting issues or leading a project rollout, the beauty of today’s technology is that it allows me to stay connected and productive from anywhere—even the peaceful seashore of Faial.

In many ways, Faial continues to inspire my journey. It reminds me that technology isn't just about coding or managing systems; it’s about solving real-world challenges, making life easier, and connecting people. And if it can help someone like me, from a small island in the middle of the Atlantic, it can truly reach anyone, anywhere.


by Cláudia Costa, Senior Consultant at Luza